Winter Is The Ideal Season For Tree Care

As temperatures drop and trees shed their foliage, most people believe tree care is done until the ground thaws, and buds appear in the spring.

Actually,  that isn’t true.

The safest time to trim and prune your trees is in their dormant period, which is November through March. It's kind of a hibernation period, when tree growth is halted, and they are resting.

Proper pruning involves making the right cuts in the right places to improve your trees' shape, health, and safety. In addition, doing tree work in winter provides several benefits.

Damaged, dead, or dying trees are dangerous in winter with heavy wind, ice, and snow. Winter pruning removes any hazards that can compromise your property and loved ones' safety. Rather than performing winter pruning yourself, hiring a professional to tackle your tree work ensures it will be done correctly and not damage your tree or yard. A tree specialist knows:

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