Spring Lawn & Landscape Care: Spring Cleaning Isn't Only For The Indoors

Winter has Passed and Left Quite a Mess Outdoors!

April is the first full month of Spring, and many Pennsylvania municipalities have scheduled this time for community spring clean-up days when residents help beautify their neighborhoods.  Take this time to tackle your own yard, too.

is the time to get outside and prepare for the anticipated seasons of outdoor living and activities.  It all begins with a little sweat and some tools, now.

Start with a rake. 

Clear up any debris and organic materials, including leaves, brush clippings, tree limbs and branches that winter left in its wake.  You’ll need to put some muscle into this to thoroughly complete the job and clear the way for your lawn mower.  Your first cut should occur only when temperatures are consistently above 40 degrees and the grass it at least 2 inches tall.  This is followed up with your first application of fertilizer.  Now is the time to get ahead of weeds, as well, by applying an herbicide.

Prune and trim

Inspect your trees and shrubs for winter damage.  As plants come out of dormancy and begin to grow again, you’ll be able to more easily notice dead areas.  Prune small branches back to the collar of the next live branch, approximately ¼ inch from the next living bud.  Salt residue may not be noticeable but taking the hose and washing tree trunks and the soil around your trees is an added component of care to ensure further damage is halted.

Define Borders

Soft soil in early spring makes edging very easy.  Making a cut two to three inches deep and creating a v-shaped trench along garden beds, establishes boundaries, and makes a vast visual difference.  Once defined, edging is just a simple upkeep with a trimmer throughout the growing season.  Mulch is the icing on the cake, it gives a finished look.  Mulch does serve many other purposes aside from a pleasing esthetic.  Mulch helps plants retain moisture, is a weed barrier and prevents soil erosion.

Extra Muscle and Equipment

These tasks are simple and set the foundation for a beautiful yard.  When you’re ready to tackle more elaborate and strenuous projects, the professionals at Artistic Tree and Landscape Creations have the knowledge, experience, and proper tools to accomplish your outdoor goals.  Contact us today at 412-303-4443.


Free Estimates: (412) 303-4443